List of Book

Judy blume

Judy blume New York times

Rainbow magic Mara the meerkat fairy

Amelia Bedelia

Rainbow magic Fiona the flute fairy

Amber brown goes fourth

Tell me why ( Countries of the world )

Encyclopedia Brown

Tell me why ( Ancient world's commanders)

Furry logic

Tell me why (100 great painters)

Thump, Quack,moo

The three strange travellers

Tell me why (Historical lasts)

A jigsaw jiones mystery

Foolproof failsafe seasonal science

Success with Writing

Snow White and the seven dwarjs

Rocking house land and other classic tales of dolls and toys

The Mysterious Benedict society

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

The Big Field


You have to stop this

Animal intelligence

BODY bones, muscle, blood and other body bits

Deltora quhit

The wizard of OZ arun

The pearl

knock knock jokes for kids!

All of a kind family

Horace splattly




There There Tommy Orange

The enormous egg

The mostly true adventures of homer P. figg

The women warrior

The house on the gulf