Sri Aakash Global Olympiad School

Gifted Speakers can change their world, providing an opportunity for finding gifted speaker in youth.

Elocution Competition in Sri Aakash Global Olympiad School in Hyderabad 2015.

Let great power comes out of spoken word, while teachers, students seek inspiration, PFI helping building the environment that would remain as memory in youth, uplifting their personal skills for becoming good citizen.

Dean Sir Rami Reddy, Vice Principal P. Sudha Rani graced the competition.

Winner: Sai Namratha spoke on Good Leadership qualities and our Model Leader expressed her thoughts – “Leader is who practices morals , understand the problems of the people”.

Runner Faizan spoke on Role of Media in the Society says “Media has the power of educating people bad or good, should perform a noble mission of enlightening people with right thoughts”.

Competition conducted by Aravind Garrepally hosted by PFI.