Rohini Nagaram

Rohini Nagaram , the young and effervescent member of PFI has done a remarkable and commendable job in getting PFI live on web. This efficacious software engineer has spent innumerable hours in designing the PFI website in an enticing way to reach out to the Indians across globe. It wouldn’t be exaggeration if she is termed as an epitome of creativity, hard work, dedication and patriotism.

  • This top contributor of the first quarter of 2011 has contributed in
  • Designing of the PFI Website
  • Introduction of new members
  • Providing Valuable suggestions
  • Participating in ‘Patronize Project’ for promoting membership and played a key role in distributing Water purifiers to needy Schools.
  • Being administrator for a fund raiser – “Strum the Strings” — Guitar classes for beginners
Rohini Nagaram

Rohini receiving Top contributor Award from

Vivek , Global Director – IT, PFI at Ice Cream Party Jul, 2011, Woodbury, CT, USA

She is been there and done that. Now it is YOUR turn.PFI is calling you as India needs you