Rewarding Printer to Sri Krishnaveni Talent School Chegunta

Sri Krishnaveni Talent School is one among the schools that have actively adopted many concepts and projects suggested by PFI.  We are quite happy to reward the school with a printer to make their day-to-day activities easier.

Cost of the project $ 215.00
Donor Mrs Navatha and Mr Hari Chinnamaneni
Beneficiary Sri Krishnaveni Talent School, Chegunta

Mission on Four Pillars

‘People For India’works for betterment of society and contributes for development of India.  The organization fosters youth to evolve as competent leaders under the guidance of experienced professionals and emerge as power to address backlogs.People for India runs on four pillars, Service, Youth Leadership, Practice Values and Support Infrastructure.

Youth Leadership Program, Service and Practice Values

The classes were held by the schoolGuide teacher Mr Rehman under the supervision of Headmaster MrD Lingamurthy.  The school very well understands how effective is the ‘Youth Leadership Program’ introduced by PFI.  The school management believes that by practicing the values and concepts published in the ‘Lead with Values’ book, the children can start developing the leadership values right from childhood.  The students also understand that the book is an important tool to achieve their goals.  The students have not only read through the concepts listed in ‘Lead with Values’ but have also put them in practice.

Photo Gallery of the activities conducted by the students

Supporting Infrastructure

One of the essential activities as part of running a school is providing study material other than the regular text books.  Study material that is distributed to the children may include practice worksheets, summary notes on the lessons, important points to be noted, extra information out of syllabus etc.  Apart from the study material, printer is really helpful during the exams time as well as execution of projects.  Printing a number of copies so that every student gets a copy is not a very easy job and is quite expensive as well to get them printed from a shop.

A low quality printer is not enough to maintain a school with huge student strength.  Krishnaveni Talent School was facing difficulty as the printer they had was a very old model and could not support their needs as fast and cost effective that a latest model printer would.  Recognizing their need and also considering the activities the school has undertaken, PFI has donated a latest model printer costing $215.00.

Honoring PFI

A meeting was held at the school premises to acknowledge the donation made by PFI.  Mr Aravind Garrepally (Vice President PFI) who represented PFI was honored on this occasion.   The school Principal, Vice Principal, teachers, students and the press were all present at the meeting.  Headmaster Mr D Lingamurthy appreciated the fact that these funds are being raised by the citizens of USA who have been working extra time to support the schools in need.

One of the school teachers has expressed her gratitude saying that she is happy that Krishnaveni Talent School is no less than any of the schools in the cities.  She said that taking inspiration and guidance from PFI, their students have gained confidence in conducting various awareness programs.  Children have also participated in the various elocution competitions and she proudly expressed that their school has been selected from District level to State level elocution competition.

On this occasion, a student has come up to speak up a few words on behalf of the school.  Her speech was quite effective and inspiring.  She congratulated the PFI foundation as she felt that the students were quite motivated in moving forward to fulfill their dreams.  She gives the credit to PFI for having bringing up confidence, values and morals among the children.  She was happy that they have also been rewarded for every activity they have been participating in.

The meeting was concluded by thanking PFI for introducing them with various inspiring concepts and motivational programs


We appreciate the couple, MrsNavatha and Mr Hari Chinnamaneni, for their contribution towards the reward given to the school.  Both of them are software programmers working in USA.  MrsNavatha works in UMASS  andMr Hari works at FM Global.    We are glad that they are pleased with the activities conducted by PFI and hence decided to go ahead with this donation.

Articles published in the leading Newspapers

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