krishnaveni talent schools at Speech Competition

Bringing up persuasive speakers.

Tell a story, Exaggerate, Show passion, prepare the content that matters are some of the lessons learnt at speech contest organized by PFI at Krishnaveni talent school, RTC Colony, LB Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana.


1st Prize goes to Mayank of 9th class for speaking on advantage and disadvantage of internet.
2nd Prize goes to M. Abhilash 8th class for speaking on Greatness of india.
Consolation Prizes for Pavan Sai of 8th Class for speaking on Greatness of india and Dhana Teja of 9th Class for speaking on Apj Abdul kalam.

Competition is conducted by Aravind Garrepally, hosted by PFI with funds raised by Swar Music Academy.

Breaking the ice at Krishnaveni talent high School.

Abhilash 8th calssAbhilash of 8th class talks on Greatness of india, a land of diversity. He says “One should be surprised to find a place in the world, with many languages, cultures, and religions. It is the best place for experiencing family attachments, love and great values. All religions lead to teaching moral values like kindness, helping people, and nature. It is the place of historical monuments, great freedom fighters and brotherhood”.




Mayank-9th classIt’s not rocket science.

Mayank of Krishnaveni Talent School, 9th class takes audience with him delivering a powerful speech on advantages and disadvantages of internet.

He presents the essential question, “How is internet helping students in rural areas and enhancing knowledge?”. He further leaves a message saying, “Internet as a social media is improving communications in world. Every one has to use it in a proper way to improve our individual life and for the development of society , state, country and world”.