Krishnaveni Talent School Class Status

Event Event Description Contributor& Date
Acceptance by Krishnaveni Talent School


School Management has accepted for the proposal

of Lead With Values Period.

AravindGarrepally on September-2014


Class Status

Class Description Date of Completion
Quarter 1 – Class 1 Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 07-November-2014
Class 2 Speech No 1 – Ice Breaker 15-December -2014
Class 3 Plan for at least 3 speeches 19-January-2015
Class 4 Guest Lecture
Quarter 2 -Class 5 Plan for at least 3 speeches
Class 6 Plan an outdoor activity 06-January-2015
Class 7 Abraham Lincoln
Class 8 Plan for at least 3 speeches
Class 9 Teach a Value -Pay Sales Tax
Class 10 Plan for at least 3 speeches

Important Links

Link Name Description Comments
Youth Progress Card Youth Progress Card of the school Youth are given special tasks and rated as per

their achievements.