Gautham High School Lb Nagar

Communication is a skill that you can learn.

It’s like riding a bicycle or typing. If you’re willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life.

Gautham High School, Hyderabad knows very well and encouraged their students to improve public speaking.

PFI conducted elocution competition and the winners are
1st prize bagged by ASHWARYA a student of 8TH CLASS) who spoke on advantage and disadvantage of technology,
2nd prize winner MAHALAXMI, a student of 8TH CLASS who spoke on advantage and disadvantage of technology

Consolation winners
1) TEJASWINI(8TH CLASS) advantage and disadvantage of technology

2) DEEKSHITA(8TH CLASS) advantage and disadvantage of deforestation

All the funds are raised by Suraj Kumar Pabbathi through Swar Music Academy in Massachusetts of USA.