2019 Rewarding Computer to Model high school Chegunta

Telangana Model High School, Chegunta

Model High School in located in Chegunta block of Medak district of Telangana state. This is of the many schools that has adopted various lessons on leadership valuesfamiliarized by PFI.The school management believes that the lessons are helping students understand how their personal values are related to leadership situations and explore how values impact behavior in a group and as a leader.

Youth Leadership Program, Service and Practice Values

Head Master, Mr Bhupal Reddy understands that the lessons and projects that are being offered to children are beneficial in the overall development of a child and will help them achieve desired goals.  Hence, they have included the book ‘Lead with Values’ as part of their curriculum and regular classes are being conducted.

Few of the programs that the students participated in are:

  • Quiz competitions
  • School level elocution competitions
  • Elocution competitions at mandal level
  • Classes on moral values

Supporting Infrastructure

The government schools in India, over the past years, have all but developed a good reputation.  The common complaints range from inadequate facilities including access to computers and digital technology to quality of teachers present, among others.  In an attempt to disrupt this trend, PFI is on a mission to provide access to quality education through digital learning across the schools in rural areas.  Students from government schools in remote areas have limited exposure to the latest technologies.  With the introduction of computers and other latest technologies, students are more confident about using technology and that is helping them learn better as well.  PFI believes that it is also placing them on a comparable platform with urban counterparts for accessing similar education, and eventually, employment opportunities.  This effort of PFI aims to bridge the digital gap in education between rural and urban India and provide equal opportunities for quality education to children from all backgrounds.  With the use of interactive modules such as videos, and presentations as a medium of learning, students get to understand complicated concepts with ease.  It helps in creasing their interest and curiosity level and kids do not want to miss a class too.

Although, the school understands the importance of introducing computer lessons to children, finance is the biggest hurdle in implementation of this digital interface.  Therefore, PFI wishes to support this good cause by donating a computer to the school for the benefit of the students.