2019 Rewarding class room tables 4 to ZHPS Nalabanda Gudam Kodad

ZPHS Nallabandagudem, Kodad

ZPHS Nallabandagudem is a school located in Kodad area of Telangana.  This is one of the schools that strives towards building values in their students to transform them to become leaders.  The school management has adopted various concepts introduced by PFI via its book ‘Lead with Values’.  When a school is in tune with great projects, it never goes unrecognized.

Youth Leadership Program, Service and Practice Values

Head Master Mr Govind with the help ofGuide Teacher Mr K Sreenivas Rao has done a great job in teaching a number of topics from the ‘Lead with Values’ book and also undertakingtasks from the Project Dictionary published by PFI. 

Few of the concepts introduced to the students at their school are:

  • Role of voter in the victory of democracy
  • How to be secured from neighborhood dangers
  • Social evils and eradications
  • Clean and green
  • Effects of cellphone on human beings
  • Elocution Competitions at school and mandal levels

Need of Infrastructure

The school has recently placed a request for the need of tables in their classrooms.  Unfortunately, the staff has been taking classes without even a table in their classrooms.  The staff is facing difficulty in taking classes in the absence of the basic furniture.  There is a need for a donor who can take the responsibility of furnishing the classrooms.  PFI has hence volunteered to provide furniture including sturdy tables as the organization believes that a basic class is one which meets the students’ most basic needs.  PFI views a classroom as a place for students to learn, grow and explore.