We believe that India’s development is in the hands of Youth and Leaders. Also When people discover their responsibility towards society, respect one-another, stand united, believe in values then it is true revolution, even development of country would become small target to be achieved. We embark on our journey to nation’s progress by bringing values in people, exploring leadership qualities in youth and put them into practice.
Know about Suraj Pabbathi, Founder and President
We believe in have F-U-N and get it done as elaborated below:
Through out our journey we are committed to execute short term projects that shall not only keep the zeal alive but also helps in lasting motivation for the ultimate goal. Short term projects could be simple social activities like any non-profitable organization executes and sometimes could address our main mission of the organization. Every short term project often values self-sufficiency more than… rather than dependence. There are many organizations that work for achieving their goals and also attain sufficient experience after passing through pains and phases. We respect their time and experience, at the same time would not re-invent the wheel but simply collaborate and co-ordinate for common goals. Tension caused by desire and expectation does not allow you to do your work rightly. Lets leave the fruit of labor to god as future is already on its way and one cannot stop it happen. We are committed to work, rather than the results.
People for India is a nonprofit organization that works for the betterment of society that lives on four pillars Service, Youth leadership, Values and Infrastructure supporting 450 schools. Good people is registered to support India operations.